I am continuously getting the error "Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'"
while i have already define in my X-FRAME options
to allow the other domain, like this..
header('X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM http://mydomain.com');
Below is the header of iframe request, clearly shows i have defined to allow the domain to access the iframe but not working. All i want is to resize the iframe using javascript.
Here is my javascript code to resize the iframe height.
<iframe src="http://mydomain.com/xxx/yyy" id="idIframe" onload="iframeLoaded();" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="100%" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
function iframeLoaded() {
var iFrameID = document.getElementById('idIframe');
if(iFrameID) {
iFrameID.height = "";
if(iFrameID.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight < 500) {
iFrameID.height = "500px";
} else {
iFrameID.height = iFrameID.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + "px";
How can i do this? Please suggest.
I very recently had this issue myself. Finally I solved it with the postMessage method.
In the document included to the iFrame I check whether it's actually running from an iFrame.
function inIframe(){
if(top != self){
var contentHeight = $('#myIframeContent').height(); //Just this part I did with jQuery as I was sure that the document uses it
If the document is running within an iFrame, call a function that we will call postSize.
function postSize(height){
var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined);
if(typeof target != "undefined" && document.body.scrollHeight){
target.postMessage(height, "*");
Add the following code to the document that includes your iFrame
function receiveSize(e){
if(e.origin === "http://www.mywebsite.net"){
var newHeight = e.data + 35;
document.getElementById("myIframeID").style.height = newHeight + "px";
window.addEventListener("message", receiveSize, false);
Unfortunately I cannot remember the exact sources of all this as I was viewing a lot of different solutions here on Stackoverflow, but also different websites. But this solution works good for me.