Textarea value change when summernote div is changed

user3367639 picture user3367639 · Mar 3, 2014 · Viewed 49.8k times · Source

I have setup a div for the summernote to alter text pulled from a database.

<div id="summernote" class="form-control"><?php echo $laws['content']; ?></div> 

$(document).ready(function() {
     height: 300,

directly following the div I have a text area with an ID.

<textarea id="lawsContent"></textarea>

I want the content of the textarea to change as I type in the summernote div. Just like what is happening while I am typing this question.


user3367639 picture user3367639 · Mar 3, 2014

Using the summernote API

I came up with this solution:

$(document).ready(function() {
      onKeyup: function(e) {
      height: 300,