DOMNodeInserted equivalent in IE?

CPrimer picture CPrimer · Jan 27, 2010 · Viewed 15k times · Source

Other than using a timer to count the number of elements over time and looking for changes, I can't think of a better way to simulate this event.

Is there some sort of proprietary IE version of DOMNodeInserted? Thanks.


Tim Down picture Tim Down · Jan 27, 2010

No, there isn't. The nearest is the propertychange event, which fires in response to a change in an attribute or CSS property of an element. It fires in response to changing the innerHTML property of an element directly but not when the contents of the elements are altered by some other means (e.g. by using DOM methods such as appendChild() or by altering the innerHTML of a child element).

UPDATE 6 February 2014

As pointed out in the comments, there is a workaround. It's based on an elaborate hack and I'd recommend using mutation observers instead wherever possible. See @naugtur's answer for details. @naugtur's answer has been deleted but the solution can be found at