How do I stop FCKeditor reverting html entities back to their unicode characters

mysomic picture mysomic · Oct 16, 2008 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I am having a problem with FCKeditor reverting html entities entered in the source view back to their original unicode representations. For example when I enter € into the source view, switch to html and then back to source view, the entity is replaced by an actual € symbol. The bigger problem, as a result, is that this unicode character is then sent back to the server on submit causing character encoding issues with the underlying database table. Anyone else come across this? I have tried many combinations of config settings but all to no avail.


Anne Porosoff picture Anne Porosoff · Oct 16, 2008

What version of FCKeditor are you using? The current version is 2.6.3. I tested the € symbol in their demo by copying € into source view, switched back to display and then back to HTML the ASCII € was retained correctly. As such it sounds like there might be a configuration problem with your install of FCKEditor or you need to upgrade.

Edit: Just found this gem in the FCKEditor documentation: