How do I set the content of a Kendo window?

Greg Gum picture Greg Gum · Jan 9, 2014 · Viewed 25.2k times · Source

I have this window:

            //Put text here
  .Draggable() //Enable dragging of the window
  .Resizable() //Enable resizing of the window


which is converted to this on the client:


Which I can call with this JScript:

function onAjaxFailure(data) {
        var window = $("#errorWindow").data("kendoWindow");;

But how do I put the text in the window? In other words, the "data" parameter will be the text to be shown in the error windows.


Lars H&#246;ppner picture Lars Höppner · Jan 9, 2014

Use kendoWindow.content(data), e.g.:

    modal: true,
    visible: false,

setTimeout(function () {
    var kendoWindow = $("#dialog").data("kendoWindow");
    kendoWindow.content("show this");;
}, 2000);


If you want it to show in a certain element inside the window, you can search for it in kendoWindow.element.