I'd like to be able to transition to a state and a pass an arbitrary object using ui-router.
I'm aware that usually $stateParams
is used, but I believe this value is inserted into the URL, and I don't want users to be able to bookmark this data.
I'd like to do something like this.
$state.transitionTo('newState', {myObj: {foo: 'bar'}});
function myCtrl($stateParams) {
console.log($stateParams.myObj); // -> {foo: 'bar'}
Is there a way to do this without encoding values into the URL?
In version 0.2.13, You should be able to pass objects into $state.go,
$state.go('myState', {myParam: {some: 'thing'}})
$stateProvider.state('myState', {
url: '/myState/{myParam:json}',
params: {myParam: null}, ...
and then access the parameter in your controller.
$stateParams.myParam //should be {some: 'thing'}
myParam will not show up in the URL.
See the comment by christopherthielen https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/983, reproduced here for convenience:
christopherthielen: Yes, this should be working now in 0.2.13.
.state('foo', { url: '/foo/:param1?param2', params: { param3: null } // null is the default value });
$state.go('foo', { param1: 'bar', param2: 'baz', param3: { id: 35, name: 'what' } });
$stateParams in 'foo' is now { param1: 'bar', param2: 'baz', param3: { id: 35, name: 'what' } }
url is /foo/bar?param2=baz.