How do I create a custom event class in Javascript?

Josua Pedersen picture Josua Pedersen · Jan 13, 2010 · Viewed 24.2k times · Source

How do I create a custom event class similar to ActionScript? What I mean by that is a class that I can use to fire off my own events, send the necessary data.

I don't wanna use third-party libraries like YUI or jQuery to do it. My goal is to be able to send a event that looks like this.

document.addEventListener("customEvent", eventHandler, false);

function eventHandler(e){

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("customEvent", para1, para2));

Please no third-party library solutions.


pfleidi picture pfleidi · Oct 3, 2010

A method that worked for me was to call document.createEvent(), init it and dispatch it with window.dispatchEvent().

  var event = document.createEvent("Event");
  event.initEvent("customEvent", true, true);
  event.customData = getYourCustomData();