Accessibility: what can aria-haspopup be used for?

francois picture francois · Dec 4, 2013 · Viewed 61.8k times · Source

I have it on good authority that aria-haspopup is appropriate for sub-menus (such as a popup context menu or sub-level menu). It's used on jQuery UI Selectmenu and also used in this great example.

What I've not been able to find out is whether aria-haspopup is applicable in the following 2 examples:

  • Informational popovers such as Bootstrap's - used for contextual information, but not containing any links
  • Pop-up browser windows - e.g. links with target="_blank"

Is aria-haspopup appropriate in those situations? If not, are there ARIA attributes that should be used instead?


AlastairC picture AlastairC · Dec 5, 2013

Officially it should be used only for menus or sub-menus, from the ARIA spec 1.0:

Indicates that the element has a popup context menu or sub-level menu.

The Whatsock style guide covers this under the 'modals' section:

It might sound like a good idea to notify screen reader users that a 'Popup' is attached by adding the attribute aria-haspopup="true" to the triggering element, but this is not a good idea. ... In short, don't use aria-haspopup unless you are triggering a menu.

There is some discussion about expanding the meaning in future revisions, but for the moment assume it is for menus.

I gave an answer about Bootstrap's tooltips which should help.

For pop-up browser windows, those are announced by screen readers anyway, no extra markup is needed. (NB: It helps to include a visual indicator of a new window for screen magnifier users.)