i have this function which find button and click it, but after that alert appears and i need to confirm it using phantom.js
function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$('.item-list clicked').first().find($('.comment-delete')).find('a').click();
may be i can emulate function which call alert whithout click immediately ? or use function waitFor for waiting this alert?(unlikely this, waitFor waiting only for DOM objects i think so)
I can't find the other stackoverflow answer that helped me answer this as well but basically you can inject a javascript function that will confirm the alert popup:
Here's my python webdriver implementation:
def example_js_confirmation( self ):
js_confirm = 'window.confirm = function(){return true;}' # .js function to confirm a popup
self.execute_javascript( js_confirm )
self.find_by_id( 'submit' ).click()
self.execute_javascript( 'return window.confirm' ) # trigger the injected js that returns true (virtually click OK)
It's on somebody's todo list =) : Selenium Desired Capabilities - set handlesAlerts for PhantomJS driver