Reset "called" Count on Sinon Spy

cantera picture cantera · Nov 9, 2013 · Viewed 22.2k times · Source

How do I reset the "called" count on a Sinon spy before each test?

Here's what I'm doing now:

beforeEach(function() {
  this.spied = sinon.spy(Obj.prototype, 'spiedMethod');

afterEach(function() {

But when I check the call count in a test:

it('calls the method once', function() {

...the test fails and reports that the method was called X number of times (once for each previous test that also triggered the same event).


T. Junghans picture T. Junghans · Apr 15, 2015

This question was asked a while back but may still be interesting, especially for people who are new to sinon.

this.spied.reset() is not needed as Obj.prototype.spiedMethod.restore(); removes the spy.

Update 2018-03-22:

As pointed out in some of the comments below my answer, stub.reset will do two things:

  1. Remove the stub behaviour
  2. Remove the stub history (callCount).

According to the docs this behaviour was added in [email protected].

The updated answer to the question would be to use stub.resetHistory().

Example from the docs:

var stub = sinon.stub();

stub.called // false


stub.called // true


stub.called // false


  • If you just want to reset the call count, use reset. This keeps the spy.
  • To remove the spy use restore.

When working with sinon you can use the sinon assertions for enhanced testing. So instead of writing expect(this.spied).to.have.been.calledOnce; one could write:


This would work as well with this.spied:


There are a lot of other sinon assertion methods. Next to calledOnce there are also calledTwice, calledWith, neverCalledWith and a lot more on sinon assertions.