insert in subdocument with mongoDB

Ricklemer picture Ricklemer · Oct 31, 2013 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I have the following document in the collection:

"_id" : "2",
"workspace" : [{
        "name" : "1",
        "widgets" : [ ]
        "name" : "2",
        "widgets" : [ ]
        "name" : "3",
        "widgets" : [ ]
        "name" : "4",
        "widgets" : [ ]

How can I insert {id: "1", blabla: "blabla"} in "widgets" for the "name" 3?


Salvador Dali picture Salvador Dali · Oct 31, 2013

In comparison to a previous answer which just inserts everything into the root of the document, here is a correct way to do this with positional operator:

 "_id" : "2",
 "" : "3"
 $push: {
   'workspace.$.widgets' : {
       id: "2",
       blabla: "blabla"