The window.setTimeout (and related setInterval) function in Javascript allows you to schedule a function to be executed sometime in the future:
id = setTimeout(function, delay);
where "delay" is the number of milliseconds into the future at which you want to have the function called. Before this time elapses, you can cancel the timer using:
What I want is to update the timer. I want to be able to advance or retard a timer so that the function gets called x milliseconds sooner or later than originally scheduled.
If there were a getTimeout method, you could do something like:
originally_scheduled_time = getTimeout(id);
updateTimeout(id, originally_schedule_time + new_delay); // change the time
but as far as I can tell there's nothing like getTimeout or any way to update an existing timer.
Is there a way to access the list of scheduled alarms and modify them?
Is there a better approach?
If you really want this sort of functionality, you're going to need to write it yourself.
You could create a wrapper for the setTimeout call, that will return an object you can use to "postpone" the timer:
function setAdvancedTimer(f, delay) {
var obj = {
firetime: delay + (+new Date()), // the extra + turns the date into an int
called: false,
canceled: false,
callback: f
// this function will set obj.called, and then call the function whenever
// the timeout eventually fires.
var callfunc = function() { obj.called = true; f(); };
// calling .extend(1000) will add 1000ms to the time and reset the timeout.
// also, calling .extend(-1000) will remove 1000ms, setting timer to 0ms if needed
obj.extend = function(ms) {
// break early if it already fired
if (obj.called || obj.canceled) return false;
// clear old timer, calculate new timer
obj.firetime += ms;
var newDelay = obj.firetime - new Date(); // figure out new ms
if (newDelay < 0) newDelay = 0;
obj.timeout = setTimeout(callfunc, newDelay);
return obj;
// Cancel the timer...
obj.cancel = function() {
obj.canceled = true;
// call the initial timer...
obj.timeout = setTimeout(callfunc, delay);
// return our object with the helper functions....
return obj;
var d = +new Date();
var timer = setAdvancedTimer(function() { alert('test'+ (+new Date() - d)); }, 1000);
// should alert about 2000ms later