How can I create a photo slider on iPhone Safari with jQuery?

Ben Crouse picture Ben Crouse · Dec 22, 2009 · Viewed 13.6k times · Source

I'd like to create an product image viewer for an iPhone version of an ecommerce site, and have it behave something like the Photos app.

Ideally, you would be able to slide images to move back and forth in the product image gallery.

This will all be done in mobile Safari.

I did a little experimenting with jqTouch, but its doesn't look like it would support this idea (it has swipe support, but there's no apparent way to link sliding to dragging an image).

Any plugin or implementation ideas? Thanks!


Andris Silis picture Andris Silis · Aug 16, 2010

i needed the same, solution was to use cycle and swipe plugins:

"#gallery" is a container with all img tags in it.

$(function() {
  fx: 'scrollHorz',
  timeout: 0,
  next: '',
  prev: '',
  speed: 300,
  nowrap: 0
$(function() {
  swipeLeft: function() { $('#gallery').cycle("next"); },
  swipeRight: function() { $('#gallery').cycle("prev") },
  threshold: {
   x: 15,
   y: 99999
  preventDefaultEvents: false

it works, but not exactly like Photo library, because images doesnt drag to 50% of width before changing. just like in crmunro's solution, but based on jQuery and plugins.