jQuery - How can I temporarily disable the onclick event listener after the event has been fired?

aldux picture aldux · Dec 17, 2009 · Viewed 86.2k times · Source

How can I temporarily disable the onclick event listener, (jQuery preferred), after the event has been fired?


After the user clicks on the button and fires this function below, I want to disabled the onclick listener, therefore not firing the same command to my django view.

   $(this).attr("src", "/url/to/ajax-loader.gif");
        type: "GET",
        url: "/url/to/django/view/to/remove/item/" + this.id,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(returned_data){
            $.each(returned_data, function(i, item){
              // do stuff                       

Thanks a lot,



thorn̈ picture thorn̈ · Dec 17, 2009

There are a lot of ways to do it. For example:

$(".btnRemove").click(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    if ($this.data("executing")) return;
        .data("executing", true)
        .attr("src", "/url/to/ajax-loader.gif");
    $.get("/url/to/django/view/to/remove/item/" + this.id, function(returnedData) {
        // ... do your stuff ...



function handler() {
    var $this = $(this)
        .off("click", handler)
        .attr("src", "/url/to/ajax-loader.gif");
    $.get("/url/to/django/view/to/remove/item/" + this.id, function(returnedData) {
        // ... do your stuff ...

We can also use event delegation for clearer code and better performance:

$(document).on("click", ".btnRemove:not(.unclickable)", function() {
    var $this = $(this)
        .attr("src", "/url/to/ajax-loader.gif");
    $.get("/url/to/django/view/to/remove/item/" + this.id, function(returnedData) {
        // ... do your stuff ...

If we don't need to re-enable the handler after it has been executed, then we can use the .one() method. It binds handlers that are to be executed only once. See jQuery docs: http://api.jquery.com/one