How to do Integration Testing for (Angularjs) Web Apps

user524824 picture user524824 · Sep 29, 2013 · Viewed 11.2k times · Source

I'm developing an Webapp. It consists of 2 parts. A node rest server and an angularjs client.

The app is structured this way: Rest Server <--> Api Module <--> Angular App

The server is currently well tested. I have Unit Tests and Integration Tests. The Integration Tests are accessing a real database and calling the rest api over http. I think this is as high level as it can get for the server testing. The integration tests run fast, too. I'm pretty confident that the way I tested the server is sufficient for my use case and I'm happy with the results.

However I'm struggling how to test the angularjs app. I have unit tests for the relevant directives and modules. Writing these wasn't an issue.

I would like to write integration tests that cover user scenarios. Something like a signup scenario: The user visits the website, goes to the signup form, and submits the form with the data.

The angularjs team is moving from ng-scenarios to protractor. Protractor is using Selenium to run the tests. Therefore there are two scopes: The app scope and the test scope.

Now I can think of three different abstractions I could use. And I'm not sure which one suites me best.

  • Mock the Api Module
  • Mock the Rest Server
  • Use the full server

Mock the Api Module

In this case I would need not to setup a server. All Interactions are running in the browser


  • No server is needed


  • The api is in the browser scope and I have to tamper with this.

I really like this solution, but I find it difficult to mock the Api. The Api needs to be modified in the browsers scope. Therefore I need to send the modification from the test to the browser. This can be done, however I don't see how I could run assertions like mockedApi.method.wasCalledOnce() in the tests scope

Mock the Rest Server


  • Client would be unchanged
  • Only one scope to deal with


  • One has to setup the Rest Routes

I could create a complete Mock Rest Server in nodejs. Protractor Tests are written in nodejs, thus the control of the server can be done in the test. Before I run the test I can tell the server how to respond. Something like this: server.onRequest({method: 'GET', url: '/'}).respondWith('hello world')

Then I could do assertions like wasCalledOnce

Use the full Server with Database

Each test is running with a complete server and can add elements to the database. After each test one can look at the expected elements in the database


  • Can be pretty sure, that if these tests are running the app is functional in the tested use case


  • I already made a fairly intense integration test with the rest server. This feels like doing the same again.
  • Setup depends on the full server

Current Conclusion

  • Mocking the Api would separate the server and the client completely.
  • Using a Mock Api would be a higher level test, but would require a fake server
  • Doing a full integration test would give the best reliability, but this is also highly dependant on the server code

What should I pick? What would you do?


Kenneth Baltrinic picture Kenneth Baltrinic · May 3, 2014

I think I answered this same question in the Protractor google group. I am much of the same mind as you about wanting no server but wanting all of my test code in one place (in Protractor) and not split between Protractor and the browser. To enable this, I took matters into my own hand and developed a proxy for the $httpBackend service which runs within Protractor. It allows one to configure the $httpBackend service as if it were running in Protractor. I have been working on it for a while now and its reasonably full featured at this point. It would be great if you could take a look and let me know if I am missing anything important.