How to implement WebRTC recording to Node.js server

bluepuma picture bluepuma · Sep 24, 2013 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I would like to create an easy video blogging solution utilizing WebRTC technology to enable recording of video/audio directly from the browser, similar to Youtube's My_Webcam. The server component should be based on Node.js.

I found some Node.js libraries for general WebRTC connection managment (, Holla, EasyRTC), but it seems they don't enable recording of streams on the server.

What's the best way to implement server-side recording? Are there libraries and tutorials available?


Jesse Patel picture Jesse Patel · Nov 13, 2013

This guy has a ton of interesting WebRTC experiments, including audio/video recording:

Here's a demo of recording:

It collects the audio and video streams on the client and gives you a blob of audio and a blob of video that you can then upload/splice together.

Not exactly what you were hoping for, I think, but could probably get the job done. Hope that helps.