How do I defer or async this WordPress javascript snippet to load lastly for faster page load times?

Jason Weber picture Jason Weber · Sep 22, 2013 · Viewed 72.1k times · Source

I have various javascripts that are necessary plugins in one of my WordPress domains, and I know where in the php file it's called from.

I'm taking every measure I can take to speed up page loading times, and every speed tester on the web says to defer javascripts if possible.

I have read about the defer='defer' and the async functions in javascript and I think one of these will accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish. But I'm not understanding how I'd do so in a php file.

For instance, here is a snippet from one particular plugin's php file where the javascript file is being called:

function add_dcsnt_scripts() {

    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'dcsnt', dc_jqsocialtabs::get_plugin_directory() . '/js/' );


I've read that it's best to do something like this for faster page loading times:

<script defer async src="..."></script>

But I don't know how to accomplish that within a php file. I want to do this with all of my javascript files.

How would I accomplish deferring or asyncing this javascript snippet to is loads last and speeds up page load times? What would be the ideal way to increase page load times across all browsers? Thanks for any guidance anybody can offer!


bestlion picture bestlion · Dec 19, 2013

Or more universal way:

function add_async_forscript($url)
    if (strpos($url, '#asyncload')===false)
        return $url;
    else if (is_admin())
        return str_replace('#asyncload', '', $url);
        return str_replace('#asyncload', '', $url)."' async='async"; 
add_filter('clean_url', 'add_async_forscript', 11, 1);

so you can add async to any script without code changes, just add #asyncload to script url as:

wp_enqueue_script('dcsnt', '/js/' )