Sorting an Array of JavaScript Objects a Specific Order (using existing function)

mkopala picture mkopala · Sep 17, 2013 · Viewed 23.7k times · Source

Given an array of objects:

    key: "a",
    value: 42
    key: "d",
    value: 28
    key: "c",
    value: 92
    key: "b",
    value: 87

and an array of keys:

["c", "a", "b", "d"]

Is there a ECMAScript function or a 3rd-party JavaScript library that lets you sort - in one line/function call - the first array of objects, to match the order of the keys specified in the second array, such that the result is:

    key: "c",
    value: 92
    key: "a",
    value: 42
    key: "b",
    value: 87
    key: "d",
    value: 28

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McGarnagle picture McGarnagle · Sep 17, 2013

Just use indexOf to convert the key to the correct order:

var order = ["c", "a", "b", "d"];
_.sortBy(arr, function(obj){ 
    return _.indexOf(order, obj.key);


If there are a lot of keys, then it would be advantageous to make a hash-map out of the array, like:

var order = ["c", "a", "b", "d"];
var orderMap = {};
_.each(order, function(i) { orderMap[i] = _.indexOf(order, i); });

This makes the key-sorting lookup constant time rather than O(n). (Fiddle)