Can't seem to cleanup detached DOM elements

musashiXXX picture musashiXXX · Aug 29, 2013 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I'm using jquery-ui Tabs and I'm having a problem that occurs when a tab has been removed. The tab appears to be removed, along with its content div but when you take a look at the heap in Chrome DevTools Profiles (after a tab has been removed) you'll see that the tab li and div elements are still present, but detached. Over time, the repeated addition/removal of tabs causes these elements to accumulate. For example, if you add a tab 10 times, there will be 10 detached div elements and 10 detached li elements showing up in the heap snapshot:

Heap snapshot with detached elements

I have the following views:

TabLabel = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    template: "#tab-label",
    tagName: "li",
    events: {
        "click .ui-icon-close": "closeTab"
    closeTab: function(e) {

TabContainer = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    template: "#tab-container",
    tagName: "div",
    onBeforeRender: function() {
        this.$el.attr("id", "div-" +;
    onClose: function() {
        // This removes the region that contains the container

TabLabels = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    tagName: "ul"

TabContainers = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    tagName: "div"

The views are instantiated like so:

tabs = new TabsCollection(); // Create a new collection instance

var tabLabelView = new TabLabels({
    itemView: TabLabel,
    collection: tabs

var tabContainerView = new TabContainers({
    itemView: TabContainer,
    collection: tabs

As you can see, the views both refer to the same collection; each model in the collection can be said to represent a single tab (it just so happens that the model contains the necessary information to satisfy jquery-ui tabs). The views are shown in a region via Marionette.Layout... pretty standard. Adding a tab is accomplished by clicking a link in the tab container; all this does is adds another model to the collection and then calls tabs("refresh") on the main container, which makes the new tab appear. Removing a tab is accomplished by clicking an "X" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the tab.

I've spent a lot of time trying to track down this leak and I can't figure out if it's a problem in my code (the way I'm closing views/models/etc. perhaps?) or if it's a problem in the jquery-ui tabs plugin.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Update #1 As requested, here is a jsfiddle demonstrating the problem -- just close the tabs and you'll see that detached elements are left behind.

Also, a screenshot:

enter image description here

Update #2 This appears to be a leak in the jquery-ui tabs widget. The same behavior occurs in the widget demonstration on the jquery-ui website. I added a few tabs and then closed them out and sure enough, they persisted:

enter image description here

I've tested this with the latest (at the time of this writing) version of jQuery UI (1.10.3) and the previous version (1.10.2).


anddoutoi picture anddoutoi · Sep 3, 2013

Is there a reason why you use this.$el.contents().remove() instead of this.$el.empty()?

Using this.$el.empty() in that jsFiddle of yours seemed to remedy the detached NodeList.

A few notes memory profiling:

  • watch
  • Use the 3 snapshots method, 2 is not enough. What does that mean?
    • Start fresh, incognito mode and refreshed
    • Take snapshot (forced GC will happen every time you take snapshot)
    • Do something, take snapshot (gc)
    • Do something similar, take snapshot (gc)
    • Compare snapshot 2 with snapshot 1, find deltas with +
    • Choose Summary and Objects allocated between Snapshots 1 and 2 for snapshot 3
    • Look for stuff that you found comparing 2 and 1 that shouldn´t be there. These are the leeks

I have found cases where jQuery seems to leek because they save the current jQuery object in .prevObject when doing some operations like calling .add(). Maybe that call to .contents() do some funky magic.