PageMethods is not Defined in ASPX Page

Jonathan Wood picture Jonathan Wood · Aug 14, 2013 · Viewed 58.7k times · Source

I'm looking at some old code that I can only assume worked at one time.


function GetCompanyList(officeId) {
    var companyList = document.getElementById('<%= CompanyDropDown.ClientID %>');
    if (companyList.length == 0)
        PageMethods.GetCompanyList(officeId, OnGetCompanyList);


<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" />

Code behind:

public IEnumerable<CompanyMinimum> GetCompanyList(int officeId) {
    return (
        from c in Repository.Query<Company>()
        where !c.IsDeleted && c.TypeEnumIndex == (short)CompanyRelationshipType.Hotel
        select new CompanyMinimum() {
            id = c.Id,
            desc = c.Description

But at the call to PageMethods.GetCompanyList() in the first snippet, Chrome reports:

PageMethods is not defined

Can anyone see what has changed to prevent this from working?

Note: I've found similar questions but they all seemed related to this code not working in master pages or user controls, which isn't the case here.


Jonathan Lonowski picture Jonathan Lonowski · Aug 14, 2013

EnablePageMethods actually only interacts with methods of a Page subclass that are public, static, and attributed as a WebMethod.

GetCompanyList has 2 of those and just also needs to be static.

public static IEnumerable<CompanyMinimum> GetCompanyList(int officeId) {
    // ...

And, I suspect what's happening is that it's leaving PageMethods undefined client-side if it doesn't find any methods that have all 3.