Images not responsive by default in Twitter Bootstrap 3?

Laurent-514 picture Laurent-514 · Jul 29, 2013 · Viewed 90.9k times · Source

It looks like with the new version 3.0 I have to set the class names of an image to col-lg-4 col-sm-4 col-4 if the image is part of div with the same class names to make the image responsive with all breakpoints.

In version 2 the images CSS properties inherited by default the parent's div properties.

Is this correct?


Bass Jobsen picture Bass Jobsen · Jul 29, 2013

Bootstrap 4

For Bootstrap 4 use Sass (SCSS):

// make images responisve by default
img {
  @extend .img-fluid;    

answer updated for version 3

Bootstrap 3 has a special class for responsive images (set max-width to 100%). This class is defined as:

.img-responsive {
 display: block;
 height: auto;
 max-width: 100%;

Note img tag gets by default:

img {
     vertical-align: middle;
     border: 0;
     page-break-inside: avoid;
     max-width: 100% !important;

So use class="img-responsive" to make your images responsive.

To make all images responsive by default:

css: add the code below under the bootstrap css:

   img {
          display: block;
          height: auto;
          max-width: 100%;

less: add the code below in your mixins.less:

img {

Note: requires Less 1.4.0. see:


img tags inside a carousel are responsive by default

Semantic rules

See also the answer of @its-me ( Using the above to make all your images responsive by default turns your images to block level elements. Block level elements are not allowed in paragraphs (<p>), see:

As far as i understand the distinction of block-level vs. inline elements is replaced with a more complex set of content categories. See also: So in HTML5 a p tag can contain any phrasing element intermixed with normal character data. (see: The img tag is such a phrasing element. The img tag's default value for the display property is indeed inline-block. Changing the display property to block does not violate any of the preceding rules.

Block level elements (display:block) take all the available space of their parent, which seems exactly what you expect for responsive images. So setting display: block; seems a reasonable choice, which has to be preferred above the inline-block declaration.

Images inside p elements which require inline-block as suggest by @its-me ( should maybe not be responsive at all.