Handling "onclick" event with pure JavaScript

April_Nara picture April_Nara · Jul 13, 2013 · Viewed 80k times · Source

So this is really straight forward but I'm still fairly new to JavaScript and just found JSFiddle. I'm trying to find the element with the getElementById() to disable and enable a button. What am I missing?

<form name="frm" > 
  <div id="chkObj"> 
    <input type="checkbox" name="setChkBx" onclick="basicList.modifyAndEnableButton(this)"></input>        
<div id="Hello"> 
    <input type="button" name="btn" value="Hello"></input>        

This is a list that I am using to add checkboxes because there is going to be more than one:

 var basicList = {
    'items': {},
    'modifyAndEnableButton': function(obj1) {
        var element = document.getElementsByName("btn");
        if (obj1.checked == true && element.getAttribute('disabled') == false) {
            element.getAttribute('disabled') = true;
        } else if (element.getAttribute('disabled') == true) {
            if (hasItems == false) {
                element.getAttribute('disabled') = false;


Thanks in advance for your help.


Benjamin Gruenbaum picture Benjamin Gruenbaum · Jul 13, 2013

All browsers support this (see example here):

mySelectedElement.onclick = function(e){
    //your handler here

However, sometimes you want to add a handler (and not change the same one), and more generally when available you should use addEventListener (needs shim for IE8-)

   //your handler here

Here is a working example:

var button = document.getElementById("myButton");
    button.disabled = "true";

And html:

<button id='myButton'>Hello</button>


Here are some useful resources: