IE Invalid Argument Error - Says it is an error in jQuery, but I don't think so

Nic Hubbard picture Nic Hubbard · Nov 11, 2009 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I am pulling my hairs out over an invalid argument error in IE7, maybe all IE's...

The site is:

IE says it is an error on line 12, but if I open up Script Debugger it says the problem is with some code in jQuery. I don't buy that.

So, I looked at my script ( and line 65 seems to be the problem:

data = '<div id="content'+id+'" class="content">'+data+'</div>';

data is returned from the jQuery $.ajax() function, but I needed to wrap it with an additional numbered div.

In particular it is the id variable that is caused the invalid argument error, but I have no idea why! The var is just a number that gets incremented. Removing the var from that line lets the page load perfectly, but I really need to increment the id in this way.

Does anyone have any idea why this simple variable would be cause invalid argument in IE?


NickFitz picture NickFitz · Nov 11, 2009

Somehow you're ending up trying to set a width of -5px; IE doesn't like that. That value is coming from the line $this.css(cssToApply); in JScrollPane.js which gets it from calculating the variable realPaneWidth:

var realPaneWidth = paneWidth - settings.scrollbarWidth - settings.scrollbarMargin - p;

In that, paneWidth and settings.scrollbarWidth both equal 676, and settings.scrollbarMargin is 5, giving you -5 (p is zero).

In kc-gallery.js you appear to be initialising jScrollPane with the value of 676 for scrollbarWidth in the function applyScroll. This is called from the setInterval function assigned to the variable check_images, and that takes us all the way back up the call stack from the place where IE actually errors on setting width to -5px.

So it's definitely something to do with the way you're using JScrollPane. You may want to check the documentation for any tips - I've never used that plugin myself, so I'm afraid I can't help with that. However, a scrollbarWidth value of 676 seems a little excessive... according to the JScrollPane docs:

scrollbarWidth [int] - the width of the created scrollbar in pixels (defaults to 10)