Prevent iOS safari from moving web-page window so drag event can happen

Django Johnson picture Django Johnson · Jun 12, 2013 · Viewed 24.1k times · Source

I am using Pep.js for kinetic drag on multi-touch, but my drag events are not being registered because when I try to drag an object in the safari, on iOS, window the window itself moves and follows my drag.

How can I prevent the browser window from following my drag so that the <div> in my webpage can be dragged?

Here is the webpage in question: Click on the link and a <div> slides in, it is that div that is draggable. It works on desktop browsers, but can not be dragged on multi-touch because safari moves the window along with my drag.


Nick Treadway picture Nick Treadway · May 31, 2014

I have found this solution while working with the #ionicframework


html, body {


   function(e) {