Marker in leaflet, click event

Jonathan García picture Jonathan García · Jun 4, 2013 · Viewed 117.5k times · Source
var map ='map');
var marker = L.marker([10.496093,-66.881935]).on('click', onClick);
function onClick(e) {alert(e.latlng);}

When I do click in the marker, the alert message is: undefined

But if I put it in the variable map, it works! (shows latitude and longitude)

map.on('click', onClick); 

Does someone know why it doesn't work in the marker?


Chris picture Chris · Jul 1, 2014

The accepted answer is correct. However, I needed a little bit more clarity, so in case someone else does too:

Leaflet allows events to fire on virtually anything you do on its map, in this case a marker.

So you could create a marker as suggested by the question above:

L.marker([10.496093,-66.881935]).addTo(map).on('mouseover', onClick);

Then create the onClick function:

function onClick(e) {

Now anytime you mouseover that marker it will fire an alert of the current lat/long.

However, you could use 'click', 'dblclick', etc. instead of 'mouseover' and instead of alerting lat/long you can use the body of onClick to do anything else you want:

L.marker([10.496093,-66.881935]).addTo(map).on('click', function(e) {

Here is the documentation: