javascript regex matching 3 digits and 3 letters

InTry picture InTry · Apr 29, 2013 · Viewed 46k times · Source

How to match word in string that contain exactly "3 digits and 3 letters"?

e.g. 100BLA

var regex = ?;
var string = "word word 100BLA word";
desiredString = string .match(regex);


stema picture stema · Apr 29, 2013

\d matches a digit

[a-zA-Z] matches a letter

{3} is the quantifier that matches exactly 3 repetitions

^ Anchor to match the start of the string

$ Anchor to match the end of the string

So if you use all this new knowledge, you will come to a regex like this:



Since the input example has changed after I wrote my answer, here the update:

If your word is part of a larger string, you don't need the anchors ^ and $ instead you have to use word boundaries \b.
