javascript gantt charts -charting data by day/hour/minutes

Mustapha George picture Mustapha George · Apr 29, 2013 · Viewed 29.4k times · Source

I would like to use data from third party scheduling software to produce gantt or timeline type diagrams for displaying plant scheduling data on web page. Requirements include

  • javascript/html(5)/css solution (no flash if possible)
  • primarily for gantts/timeline type charts, but other chart types may be useful
  • based on jquery or prototype if possible
  • time scale should allow for hours/minutes - this is important for scheduling labor/machinery. (5 minute intervals might be sufficient)
  • open source or low cost
  • prefer not to have to roll my own solution

I can bring in data and manipulate it with PHP and javascript. I looked at a few packages (most summarized here - Gantt Chart online), however most seemed weak on representing time in terms of hours and minutes. jQuery.Gantt looked like the best solution, although it seems to suffer from lack of ability to display clearly intervals in minutes or fraction of hours.

Does anyone use package for these requirements, or able to overcome limitations of jquery.gantt?


example. In this jquery.gantt rendering, it is not possible to determine if work should commence at 16:10 or 16:15. enter image description here


Paul picture Paul · Sep 24, 2013

Take a look at dhtmlxGantt, an open source (GPL) JavaScript Gantt chart. It has a customizable time scale so you can display hours/minutes scale, and supports easy integration with jQuery.

(Disclaimer: I work for DHTMLX)