.append(), prepend(), .after() and .before()

Epik picture Epik · Feb 13, 2013 · Viewed 311.1k times · Source

I am pretty proficient with coding, but now and then I come across code that seems to do basically the same thing. My main question here is, why would you use .append() rather then .after() or vice verses?

I have been looking and cannot seem to find a clear definition of the differences between the two and when to use them and when not to.

What are the benefits of one over the other and also why would i use one rather then the other?? Can someone please explain this to me?

var txt = $('#' + id + ' span:first').html();
$('#' + id + ' a.append').live('click', function (e) {
    $('#' + id + ' .innerDiv').append(txt);
$('#' + id + ' a.prepend').live('click', function (e) {
    $('#' + id + ' .innerDiv').prepend(txt);
$('#' + id + ' a.after').live('click', function (e) {
    $('#' + id + ' .innerDiv').after(txt);
$('#' + id + ' a.before').live('click', function (e) {
    $('#' + id + ' .innerDiv').before(txt);


Jai picture Jai · Feb 13, 2013


.append() puts data inside an element at last index and
.prepend() puts the prepending elem at first index


<div class='a'> //<---you want div c to append in this
  <div class='b'>b</div>

when .append() executes it will look like this:


after execution:

<div class='a'> //<---you want div c to append in this
  <div class='b'>b</div>
  <div class='c'>c</div>

Fiddle with .append() in execution.

when .prepend() executes it will look like this:


after execution:

<div class='a'> //<---you want div c to append in this
  <div class='c'>c</div>
  <div class='b'>b</div>

Fiddle with .prepend() in execution.

.after() puts the element after the element
.before() puts the element before the element

using after:


after execution:

<div class='a'>
  <div class='b'>b</div>
<div class='c'>c</div> //<----this will be placed here

Fiddle with .after() in execution.

using before:


after execution:

<div class='c'>c</div> //<----this will be placed here
<div class='a'>
  <div class='b'>b</div>

Fiddle with .before() in execution.