I know that MutationObservers callbacks may get called sometime after the DOM change. But the question is: What is the timing of these callbacks? Do the callbacks enter the event queue of the browsers? If so, when do they enter the queue?
Are the callbacks:
For example, if the following piece of code is executed (with setZeroTimeout defined here):
var target = document.body;
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
}).observe(target, {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true
// Post message
setZeroTimeout(function () { console.log('message event'); });
// DOM mutation
target.setAttribute("data-test", "value");
Should "MutationObserver" be printed before "message event" or after it? Or is it implementation-defined?
I'm getting "MutationObserver" before "message event" on Chromium 26, though the DOM mutation is after message posting. Maybe this is indicating that MutationObserver callbacks are not using the event queue.
I have googled for HTML specification, DOM specification or browser implementation documents, but I didn't found anything related to this behavior.
Any explanation or documentation on the timing of MutationObservers callbacks please?
MutationObservers are fired asynchronously but 'soon', which means they fire before other things in the queue, such as layout, paint, or triggered events.
This ameliorates the loss of synchrony, because you don't have to worry about screen flashing or other bad things happening before your observer gets a chance to react.
In developer notes, they talk about an 'end-of-microtask' timing model. I agree this is poorly documented.