Reference javax.script.ScriptEngine in android or evaluate a javascript expression

Tawani picture Tawani · Sep 21, 2009 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

Is it possible to reference the javax.script.ScriptEngine library when developing an android application? If not is there anyway possible to evaluate a javascript expression in android?


Danke Xie picture Danke Xie · Jan 12, 2016

For the classes javax.script.ScriptEngine, javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory and so on, you can add the jsr223.jar to your Android project: just copy the .jar file to your libs directory, and add it from Properties->Java Build Path.

These class will allow your JSR 223-compliant engines to compile. You can then do new SomeScriptEngienFactory().getScriptEngine() to get an engine. I've managed to do this with JNLua 1.0.4 and Rhino 1.7R2.

The file jsr223.jar can be downloaded from, a direct link is