Enter keyCode(13)
works fine on all browsers.
Space bar keyCode(32)
I tested on Chrome works fine but not responding on Firefox. I used the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" >
function enterPressed(evn) {
var e_id = $('e_id').value;
var e_fname = $('e_fname').value;
var e_role = $('e_role').value;
if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) {
Monitor.Order.assign(e_id, e_fname, e_role);
} else if (evn && evn.keyCode == 13) {
Monitor.Order.assign(e_id, e_fname, e_role);
} else if (evn && evn.keyCode == 32) {
document.onkeypress = enterPressed;
Why is this not working in Firefox when it works in Chrome?
Space is a printable character, so the keypress event will have the charCode
set to the character that it corresponds to and the keyCode
won't be set on the keypress event in Firefox.
In general, you want to use charCode
for printable things in keypress, keyCode
in keyup/keydown.