I have some projects that use RequireJS to load individual JavaScript modules in the browser, but I haven't optimized them yet. In both development and production, the app makes a separate request for each JavaScript file, and now I would like to fix that using Grunt.
I have tried to put together a simple project structure to no avail, so I'm wondering if someone can provide a working example for me. My goals are the following:
Here's a sample structure for the sake of this conversation:
main.js (application entry point)
index.html (references main.js)
lib/ (stuff that main.js depends on)
build/ (optimized app goes here)
node_modules/ (necessary grunt tasks live here)
Specifically, I'm looking for a working project structure that I can start from. My main questions are:
file, especially to get the r.js optimizer working?watch
task to automatically build everything in development mode every time I save a file, then I'm all ears. I want to avoid anything that slows down the loop from making a change to seeing it in the browser.I use the grunt-contrib-requirejs task to build project based on require.js. Install it inside your project directory with:
npm install grunt-contrib-requirejs --save-dev
BTW: --save-dev
will add the package to your development dependencies in your package.json. If you're not using a package.json in your project, ignore it.
Load the task in your grunt file with:
And add the configuration to your grunt.initConfig
requirejs: {
production: {
options: {
baseUrl: "path/to/base",
mainConfigFile: "path/to/config.js",
out: "path/to/optimized.js"
Now you're able to build your require.js stuff into a single file that will be minimized with uglifyjs by running grunt requirejs
You can bundle a set of different tasks into some sort of main task, by adding this to your grunt file
grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint', 'requirejs']);
With this, you can simply type grunt
and grunt will automatically run the default task with the two 'subtasks': lint and requirejs.
If you need a special production task: define it like the above
grunt.registerTask('production', ['lint', 'requirejs', 'less', 'copy']);
and run it with
grunt production
If you need different behaviors for 'production' and 'development' inside i.e. the requirejs task, you can use so called targets. In the configuration example above it's already defined as production
. You can add another target if you need (BTW, you can define a global config for all targets by adding a options object on the same level)
requirejs: {
// global config
options: {
baseUrl: "path/to/base",
mainConfigFile: "path/to/config.js"
production: {
// overwrites the default config above
options: {
out: "path/to/production.js"
development: {
// overwrites the default config above
options: {
out: "path/to/development.js",
optimize: none // no minification
Now you can run them both at the same time with grunt requirejs
or individually with grunt requirejs:production
, or you define them in the different tasks with:
grunt.registerTask('production', ['lint', 'requirejs:production']);
grunt.registerTask('development', ['lint', 'requirejs:development']);
Now to answer your questions:
I would definitely use a subfolder in your project. In my case I use a 'src' folder for development that is build into a 'htdocs' folder for production. The project layout I prefere is:
main.js // require.js starter
... //some tmp folder for the build process
... // production build
see above
You can do so, but I wouldn't recommend to add requirejs to the watch task, it's a resource hungry task and it will slow down your machine noticeable.
Last but not least: Be very cautious when playing around with r.js. Especially when you want to optimize the whole project with r.js by adding a modules
directive to your config. R.js will delete the output directory without asking. If it happens that it is accidentally configured to be your system root, r.js will erase your HDD. Be warned, I erased my whole htdocs folder permanently some time ago while setting up my grunt task... Always add keepBuildDir:true
to your options when playing around with the r.js config.