I'm not able to connect to mixpanel.
I have tried with a correct api_key and api_secret, like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.min.js" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="faulty-labs-md5.js" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnTest").click(function() {
var api_key = 'BigSecret';
var api_secret = 'BigSecret2';
var expire = new Date('2012', '12', '24').getTime() / 1000 + 3600;
var from_date = $("#date1").val();
var to_date = $("#date2").val();
var sig = faultylabs.MD5("api_key=" + api_key + "expire=" + expire + "from_date=" + from_date + "to_date=" + to_date + api_secret);
//var path = 'https://data.mixpanel.com/api/2.0/export?api_key=' + api_key + "&expire=" + expire + "&from_date=" + from_date + "&to_date=" + to_date;
var path = 'https://data.mixpanel.com/api/2.0/export?api_key=' + api_key + "&expire=" + expire + "&from_date=" + from_date;
path = path + "&sig=" + sig.toLowerCase();
type: 'GET',
url: path,
async: false,
callback: to_date, // sneaky bogus shenanigans
callbackParameter: 'to_date', // more of same
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
cache: true,
success: function(json) {
error: function(e) {
<input type="text" id="date1" value="2012-10-29" />
<input type="text" id="date2" value="2012-10-29" />
<button onclick="return false" id="btnTest">Test</button>
As you can see, I try to use this API with JSONP, but I'm lost in the woods. Is there anybody who has knowledge about mixpanel and JSONP?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I've added the new version of the page.
Here a few things I realized. I was able to get it working with all other end points I tried but "export". I'm tempted to believe it's something peculiar to just the raw data export endpoint. Reading through their docs, the raw data end point is the only end point that isn't part of the main API and therefore requires a different base URI "https://data.mixpanel.com/api/2.0". All other endpoints "events", "segmentation" etc. use "https://mixpanel.com/api/2.0". I've put down the steps I went through below. I'm using jquery.MD5 lib for the md5 implementation
$(function() {
$("#test_request").click(function() {
var api_secret, arg_keys, args, args_concat, end_point, key,
mixpanel_base_uri, sig, sorted_keys, _i, _len;
args = {};
end_point = "export";
api_secret = "BIG_SECRET2";
args.api_key = "BIG_SECRET";
args.from_date = $("input[name=from_date]").val();
args.to_date = $("input[name=to_date]").val();
//using Math.floor to round to integer as api expects integer
args.expire = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 3600);
arg_keys = Object.keys(args);
sorted_keys = arg_keys.sort();
args_concat = "";
//concatenating key value pairs
for (_i = 0, _len = sorted_keys.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
key = sorted_keys[_i];
args_concat = "" + args_concat + key + "=" + args[key];
sig = $.md5(args_concat + api_secret);
//merge signature property with args hash
$.extend(args, {
sig: sig
//export endpoint isn't part of the main api and data.mixpanel instead of just mixpanel.com
DATA_URI = "https://data.mixpanel.com/api/2.0"
DEFAULT_URI = "https://mixpanel.com/api/2.0"
BASE_URI = end_point === "export" ? DATA_URI : DEFAULT_URI;
$.getJSON("" + BASE_URI + "/" + end_point + "?callback=?", args, function(result) {
alert("result is" + JSON.stringify(result));
I've also put up a working solution for all other endpoints. Here is the link http://jsfiddle.net/Dantheta/CmKQN/
Hope you find it useful.