I want to stop a transition that is in progress.
I have found a few references[1][2] scattered around the internet but I can't seem to piece it together.
Here's a fiddle of the first suggestion (With jQuery and CSS Transit for context): http://jsfiddle.net/thomseddon/gLjuH/
[1] https://twitter.com/evilhackerdude/status/20466821462
[2] github.com/madrobby/zepto/issues/508
So I figured it out: http://jsfiddle.net/thomseddon/gLjuH/3/
The trick is to set each css property you are animating to its current value (possibly mid transition) like: $(this).css('prop', $(this).css('prop'));
(Probably would want to store all properties in an object in the element with $(this).data(props); and loop through them).
Once you have explicitly set the properties you can run a 0s animation to override the previous animation and effectively halt the element.