.toLowerCase not working, replacement function?

Lucas picture Lucas · Sep 27, 2012 · Viewed 129.5k times · Source

The .toLowerCase method is giving me an error when I try to use it on numbers. This is what I have:

var ans = 334;
var temp = ans.toLowerCase();

And then it gives me this error:

'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'ans.toLowerCase()')

I don't know where I got this wrong. I always thought that numbers can also be parsed, with no change in result (maybe that's where I stuffed up).

But if that's not the error, can someone write a custom makeLowerCase function, to make the string lower case, perhaps using regex or something?


spender picture spender · Sep 27, 2012

The .toLowerCase() function only exists on strings.

You can call .toString() on anything in JavaScript to get a string representation.

Putting this all together:

var ans = 334;
var temp = ans.toString().toLowerCase();