I am getting the error "id.replace is not a function"
Below is what I believe the relevant code is. I am missing something obvious, but my brain is currently mush.
getSyncDbFile: function (config, id) {
if (id === null)
com.synckolab.tools.logMessage("Error: entry has no id (" +config.name + ": " + config.type + ")", com.synckolab.global.LOG_ERROR);
return null;
com.synckolab.tools.logMessage("syncDbFile: (" +com.synckolab.tools.text.fixNameToMiniCharset(config.serverKey) + "/" + config.type + "_" + config.name + "/" + id + ")", com.synckolab.global.LOG_ERROR);
id = id.replace(/[ :.;$\\\/]\#\@/g, "_");
var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
try {
if (!file.exists()) {
file.create(1, parseInt("0775", 8));
if (!file.exists()) {
file.create(1, parseInt("0775", 8));
file.append(config.type + "_" + config.name);
if (!file.exists()) {
file.create(1, parseInt("0775", 8));
catch (ex)
com.synckolab.tools.logMessage("Problem with getting syncDbFile: (" +com.synckolab.tools.text.fixNameToMiniCharset(config.serverKey) + "/" + config.name + ": " + config.type + ": " + id + ")\n" + ex, com.synckolab.global.LOG_ERROR);
return null;
return file;
As others have pointed out, id
needs to be a string. We have no hint as to what type it is.
Just before the line
id = id.replace(/[ :.;$\\\/]\#\@/g, "_");
Add these two lines:
console.log(typeof id);
That will let us know what those are and if the right values are being passed.