Kendo Refresh (DropDownList.refresh()) not working ERROR Not define

cwishva picture cwishva · Aug 26, 2012 · Viewed 43k times · Source

Im trying to refresh the Drop Down List after another DropDownList is Change But the Refresh() method is Undefined Error Is Promoting.There For I Tried the Read the DataSource again and it shows it loading but the data is still the same.Help to Solve this Issue please.


$("#DropDownList1").change(function () {
   custCode = $("#DropDownList1").val();

   $("#titles").data("kendoDropDownList"); //shows list Loading But Same Data Is present .
   $("#titles").data("kendoDropDownList").refresh(); //NOT Working 



Abhishek picture Abhishek · Aug 27, 2012

1- Try adding cache: false to disable the cache in Kendo DropDownList's datasource read property:

read: {
    url: <<"url">>,
    cache: false

2- Then call read(),


It worked for me :)