RequireJS: Local fallback for if CDN fails

Austin picture Austin · Aug 22, 2012 · Viewed 16.1k times · Source

In my backbone app, I need to provide a fallback for each required file, in the case that the CDN that delivers them fails.

I have tried overwriting require.onError like so:

require.onError = function (err) {
    if (err.requireType === 'timeout') {
        var url = err.requireModules;

        if (!!~url.indexOf("jquery/"))
            console.warn("CDN timed out, falling back to local jQuery.js")
        if (!!~url.indexOf("jqueryui/"))
            console.warn("CDN timed out, falling back to local jQueryUI.js")
        if (!!~url.indexOf("underscore"))
            console.warn("CDN timed out, falling back to local underscore.js")
        if (!!~url.indexOf("backbone"))
            console.warn("CDN timed out, falling back to local backbone.js")

The problem is that this will asynchronously load the fallback files. I need these files to load in order, just like the original require statement, where I use the order! plugin.

With the overridden onError: when the CDN fails to load, the fallback load is started, but not waited for. This presents a problem because the scripts are ordered to be loaded based on their dependencies. Here is a look at my original require statement, that depends on the CDN:

], function() {


numbers1311407 picture numbers1311407 · Aug 22, 2012

What version of RequireJS are you using? It seems you might want to configure jQuery's fallback as a path in your config, then set up jQuery as a dependency on the other modules that need it. If you're using ~> 2.0, something like (untested):

// in your requirejs config
    //To get timely, correct error triggers in IE, force a define/shim exports 
    // check.
    enforceDefine: true,
    paths: {
        jquery: [
            '', // your cdn
            'lib/jquery' // your fallback
        jqueryui: ""
    shim: {
      jqueryui: ['jquery']

// then in your requires
require([jquery, jqueryui, foo, bar], function($) {
    // stuff

They talk about how to do it in the wiki. If you are not using v2.x, there is a method for handling that here too.

If all the modules are configured to specify their own dependencies, you shouldn't need to worry about the order! directives either.