jQuery infinite-scroll Not Triggering

Joshua Walsh picture Joshua Walsh · Aug 18, 2012 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I'm making a simple little website to apply a different formatting style to Reddit posts, I'm trying to add the infinite-scroll jQuery plugin but it doesn't do anything. I tried following the (very simple) instructions on the infinite-scroll page and when it didn't do anything I thought I must have entered something wrongly, but then I just copy/pasted the code from the Masonry/Infinite-Scroll example and it still didn't work. Masonry is working perfectly (finally) but I just can't figure out what is wrong with infinite-scroll. I understand the basics of jQuery and JavaScript, but obviously not as much as most of you people, so could you please help me out and let me know what is wrong? My site is live at reddit.ymindustries.com.

Thanks heaps, you guys have rarely failed me so far.


EDIT: If there aren't enough images to fill up the page on the homepage, visit reddit.ymindustries.com/r/aww for more images.

EDIT 2: I believe I located the issue, it is described here: https://github.com/paulirish/infinite-scroll/issues/5 Now to figure out a fix...

EDIT 3: Added a little bit of a hack in to make it sort of work, but it just seems to loop the second page endlessly now. Hmm...


Milan Jaric picture Milan Jaric · Aug 18, 2012

I think your problem is actually css. Make your page longer that client area height. add more images to $container

Point is, botom edge of your $container need to pass bottom of window so scroll event fires so infinite scroll can react on this event and calculate weather or not edge is reached

BTW, in same cases, for instance, when I shrink my window, the example you set is working.

=== UPDATE ===

I found some time to play with infinitescroll and here is final working script, just set pathParse method in your script

$(function () {

        var $container = $('#itemContainer');

        $container.imagesLoaded(function () {
                    navSelector:'.navigation', // selector for the paged navigation
                    nextSelector:'.navigation #next', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
                    itemSelector:'.item', // selector for all items you'll retrieve
                    columnWidth:function (containerWidth) {
                        return containerWidth / 5;
                        finishedMsg:'No more pages to load.',
                    pathParse: function(path,page){
                        return $(this.nextSelector).attr("href");
                // trigger Masonry as a callback
                function (newElements) {
                    // hide new items while they are loading
                    var $newElems = $(newElements).css({ opacity:0 });
                    // ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout
                    $newElems.imagesLoaded(function () {
                        // show elems now they're ready
                        $newElems.animate({ opacity:1 });
                        $container.masonry('appended', $newElems, true);
                    //console.log("test (never fired :( )");


Now, since your next link will not update by it self (http://reddit.ymindustries.com/?after=t3_yh4av), you need to change the callback to pull out last element from ajax response and change next link... could be something like this

function (newElements) {
                        // hide new items while they are loading
                        var $newElems = $(newElements).css({ opacity:0 });
                        // ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout

                        // ======> if query parameter after=... is caring filename then do this
                        var lastImageUrl= $newElements[$newElements.length-1].attr("src");
                        var lastFileName= lastImageUrl.substring(lastImageUrl.lastIndexOf("/") +1, lastImageUrl.lastIndexOf("."));
                        $("#next").attr("href", "http://reddit.ymindustries.com/?after="+lastFileName);

                        $newElems.imagesLoaded(function () {
                            // show elems now they're ready
                            $newElems.animate({ opacity:1 });
                            $container.masonry('appended', $newElems, true);
                        //console.log("test (never fired :( )");