How do I get JSONRPC working properly with JQuery on the client-side, on the referenced types of calls?
To represent my attempt, I've tried to create the smallest possible test-case:
from txjsonrpc.web import jsonrpc
from twisted.web import server
from twisted.internet import reactor
class Math(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
def jsonrpc_add(self, a, b):
return a+b
def jsonrpc_echo(self, foo):
return str(foo)
def jsonrpc_hello(self):
return u"Hello World!"
reactor.listenTCP(7080, server.Site(Math()))
<title>Math is fun?!</title>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
endPoint : 'http://localhost:7080',
namespace : ''
$("input#evaluate").click(function() {
$.jsonRPC.request('jsonrpc_echo', {
params : [$("textarea#input").val()],
success : function(data) {
$("<p />").text(data.result).appendTo($("p#result"));
error : function(data) {
$("<p />").text(data.error.message).appendTo($("p#result"));
<p id="result"></p>
<textarea name="input" id="input"></textarea>
<input name="evaluate" id="evaluate" value="evaluate" type="button" />