Cleaning up sinon stubs easily

austinbv picture austinbv · Jul 19, 2012 · Viewed 86.2k times · Source

Is there a way to easily reset all sinon spys mocks and stubs that will work cleanly with mocha's beforeEach blocks.

I see sandboxing is an option but I do not see how you can use a sandbox for this

beforeEach ->
  sinon.stub some, 'method'
  sinon.stub some, 'mother'

afterEach ->
  # I want to avoid these lines

it 'should call a some method and not other', ->
  assert.called some.method


keithjgrant picture keithjgrant · Dec 26, 2012

Sinon provides this functionality through the use of Sandboxes, which can be used a couple ways:

// manually create and restore the sandbox
var sandbox;
beforeEach(function () {
    sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();

afterEach(function () {

it('should restore all mocks stubs and spies between tests', function() {
    sandbox.stub(some, 'method'); // note the use of "sandbox"


// wrap your test function in sinon.test()
it("should automatically restore all mocks stubs and spies", sinon.test(function() {
    this.stub(some, 'method'); // note the use of "this"