I'm trying to add the ace editor to my app. I downloaded it from github, dropped the "ace/lib/ace" directory into my app's directory, included:
<script src="ace/lib/ace/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>"
in my body tag and:
editor = ace.edit "editor"
in my script tag. I've tried to load the page in Chrome and Firefox and I get "define is not defined" in ace.js:46. The line in ace.js is:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
Does anyone know why ace is expecting the define() function to exist and why it's not finding it? Here's my source:
<div id="editor">some text</div>
<script src="ace/lib/ace/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
If you already have the source, then it is pretty easy to do still. Just go in the directory where you copied all the ace source.
Then, do:
npm install
node Makefile.dryice.js
See the wiki for additional details https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Building-ace