What is the preferable way of appending/combining ArrayBuffers?
I'm receiving and parsing network packets with a variety of data structures. Incoming messages are read into ArrayBuffers. If a partial packet arrives I need to store it and wait for the next message before re-attempting to parse it.
Currently I'm doing something like this:
function appendBuffer( buffer1, buffer2 ) {
var tmp = new Uint8Array( buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength );
tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer1 ), 0 );
tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer2 ), buffer1.byteLength );
return tmp.buffer;
Obviously you can't get around having to create a new buffer as ArrayBuffers are of a fixed length, but is it necessary to initialize typed arrays? Upon arrival I just want is to be able to treat the buffers as buffers; types and structures are of no concern.
Why not using a Blob ? (I realize it might not have been available at that time).
Just create a Blob with your data, like var blob = new Blob([array1,array2,string,...])
and turn it back into an ArrayBuffer (if needed) using a FileReader (see this).
Check this : What's the difference between BlobBuilder and the new Blob constructor? And this : MDN Blob API
I wanted to compare the efficiency of these two methods (Blobs, and the method used in the question) and created a JSPerf : http://jsperf.com/appending-arraybuffers
Seems like using Blobs is slower (In fact, I guess it's the use of Filereader to read the Blob that takes the most time). So now you know ;) Maybe it would me more efficient when there are more than 2 ArrayBuffer (like reconstructing a file from its chunks).