I am using the excellent Underscore.js library. I have a specific task which I can do fine using JavaScript or jQuery but was wondering if there was some sort of abstraction avaialable in Underscore that I was missing out on.
Essentially I have an object like so -
var some_object_array = [{id: "a", val: 55}, {id: "b", val: 1}, {id: "c", val: 45}];
I want to convert this into -
var some_map = {"a": {id: "a", val: 55}, "b": {id: "b", val: 1}, "c": {id: "c", val: 45}};
I know that I can use _.groupBy(some_object_array, "id")
. But this returns a map like so -
var some_grouped_map = {"a": [{id: "a", val: 55}], "b": [{id: "b", val: 1}], "c": [{id: "c", val: 45}]};
Note that this does what it is advertised to do. But I was hoping to get some_map
without iterating over the objects myself.
Any help appreciated.
For what it's worth, since underscore.js you can now use _.object()
var some_map = _.object(_.map(some_object_array, function(item) {
return [item.id, item]