I am attempting to let users on my site push a button to take a screenshot of the current screen ( everything in body).
From my research, html2canvas seems to be a resource that makes this possible.
My issue is the documentation does not provide example code and I am struggling to get a grip on the steps involved.
The following SO question ( How to upload a screenshot using html2canvas? ) leaves me a bit confused. I just want to know how to get an image at this point.
From his code.
var canvasRecord = new html2canvas(document.body).canvas;
//At this point does the .toDataURL method return a png?
At this point I am lost where the image is, or even how/when to create it. Ill worry sending it to the server later.
Any information appreciated. Thanks! (html2canvas even needed?)
As you are using the html2canvas jQuery plugin, here is a sample snippet
var screenshot;
onrendered: function(canvas) {
screenshot = canvas.toDataURL();
//code to process/send the image to server
In the above code snippet the html2canvas creates the screenshot of the page.
You can also use PhantomJS to create screenshots of webpages - provided that they are public pages, because you may not be able to access login protected pages on the server-side; in such situations only a client-side solution like html2canvas will work.