How can you ensure twitter bootstrap popover windows are visible?

Steve Mitcham picture Steve Mitcham · Apr 20, 2012 · Viewed 11.8k times · Source

Does anyone know of an extension to the popover component of twitter bootstrap that dynamically changes the placement option to ensure that the popover displays on the screen?


Cymen picture Cymen · Jun 7, 2012

The placement can be a function instead of a string. An example of auto placement written by fat and then ported to the most recent version of bootstrap by wleeper is in one of the github issues on the project here:

Here is the result of compiling the CoffeeScript to JavaScript:

  placement: function(tip, element) {
    var $element, above, actualHeight, actualWidth, below, boundBottom, boundLeft, boundRight, boundTop, elementAbove, elementBelow, elementLeft, elementRight, isWithinBounds, left, pos, right;
    isWithinBounds = function(elementPosition) {
      return boundTop < && boundLeft < elementPosition.left && boundRight > (elementPosition.left + actualWidth) && boundBottom > ( + actualHeight);
    $element = $(element);
    pos = $.extend({}, $element.offset(), {
      width: element.offsetWidth,
      height: element.offsetHeight
    actualWidth = 283;
    actualHeight = 117;
    boundTop = $(document).scrollTop();
    boundLeft = $(document).scrollLeft();
    boundRight = boundLeft + $(window).width();
    boundBottom = boundTop + $(window).height();
    elementAbove = {
      top: - actualHeight,
      left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2
    elementBelow = {
      top: + pos.height,
      left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2
    elementLeft = {
      top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2,
      left: pos.left - actualWidth
    elementRight = {
      top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2,
      left: pos.left + pos.width
    above = isWithinBounds(elementAbove);
    below = isWithinBounds(elementBelow);
    left = isWithinBounds(elementLeft);
    right = isWithinBounds(elementRight);
    if (above) {
      return "top";
    } else {
      if (below) {
        return "bottom";
      } else {
        if (left) {
          return "left";
        } else {
          if (right) {
            return "right";
          } else {
            return "right";

It is working well for me except for one case: if the item is in the upper right corner there is no good spot for the popover to appear that is one of the options and it appears partially off the screen.