I have a button has action which can set myBackingBean.myString, and onclick event calls js method to alert that value. I just want to get the value of myString from backing bean by using javascript.
I have a hidden output which has value from backing bean:
h:outputText id="myOutput" rendered="false" value="#{myBackingBean.myString}"
then I need to alert this value in javascript fxn which triggered by a button:
function myFunction() {
var outPut= document.getElementById("myForm:myOutput").value;
but i got Object required
error. How can i fix this?
thanks in advance.
Make you sure that the h:outputText is rendered (rendered="false" could just not add it to the DOM. If it does not render, it can't be accessed. If you need it hidden, use h:inputHidden instead).
Then make sure that it renders an HTML tag as or acting like a container with the id attribute as "myForm:myOutput".
Also, the .value javascript accesor is used for input tags, so use inerHTML instead.