Sometimes I randomly see network requests from Chrome failing with Status = '(failed)' (status code 0 from the request object in JavaScript) and the response type as 'undefined' . I cannot isolate why, my internet connection seems to be up and the same endpoint on the server works if requested from say cURL.
Viewing the request details does not show any more response information, only the request info.
I thought it might be missing CORS headers, but I have verified they are there and anyway on a CORS permission problem Chrome reports the status as '(cancelled)'.
Any thoughts? Is it just that the host is unreachable? Why does it seem that all retries from the web app also fail until the browser is restarted?
I ran into this while working on an ad serving network. It ended up being the AdBlock Plus Chrome extension blocking any assets, probably the "ad" in the path. I whitelisted my domain and it worked.