How do you check cookies using Chrome?

Howdy_McGee picture Howdy_McGee · Apr 4, 2012 · Viewed 82.8k times · Source

I'm testing some cookies that I'm creating via JavaScript. Is there a way to check if the cookie was set in Chrome Developer Tools or something similar?


AlexMA picture AlexMA · Apr 4, 2012

To check the current page's cookies using Chrome:

Option 1

  1. Open Developer Tools (usually F12)
  2. Click the "Application" tab (used to be "Resources")
  3. Expand the "Cookies" list item
  4. Click any list item.

You can view cookies in detail here, and clear them out (click any list item under cookies then click the cancel icon on the bottom left of the table).

Option 2

Use the javascript console, e.g. document.cookie. The results are not formatted as nicely.

Option 3

There is also chrome://settings/siteData (was previously settings/cookies), which you simply visit as a normal web page, but that's probably less tailored towards developers.