Change File Split size in Hadoop

Ahmedov picture Ahmedov · Mar 13, 2012 · Viewed 54.8k times · Source

I have a bunch of small files in an HDFS directory. Although the volume of the files is relatively small, the amount of processing time per file is huge. That is, a 64mb file, which is the default split size for TextInputFormat, would take even several hours to be processed.

What I need to do, is to reduce the split size, so that I can utilize even more nodes for a job.

So the question is, how is it possible to split the files by let's say 10kb? Do I need to implement my own InputFormat and RecordReader for this, or is there any parameter to set? Thanks.


Brainlag picture Brainlag · Mar 13, 2012

The parameter mapred.max.split.size which can be set per job individually is what you looking for. Don't change dfs.block.size because this is global for HDFS and can lead to problems.